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Wellington, New Zealand
welcome to my corner of the blog world! i love step, boxing, zumba, scrapbooking, photography, watching movies, walking the hills of my suburb, my family, and life in wellington. take some time to have a look around and be sure to say hi!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

wordful wednesday and what i know for sure

a visit to our office by the women [whose job i am filling], to show off her gorgeous new baby got me thinking

now that i've been a parent for almost 22 years

i can look back and know that at the time, i spent a lot of time worrying about a few things that, with the passing of the years, weren't THAT worrisome
(of course at the time, they were EVERYTHING!)

like the MAGIC LINE in the baby book.  the line that indicated NORMAL height, weight and whatever else we need to plot to make sure our babies were 'normal' or 'average'

we plotted every 'weigh-in' and poured over every little gram and millimeter as if our lives depended on it

we worried about how much sleep they were getting
when they'd start eating solids
when they'd be nappy trained
how they'd go at daycare, kindergarten and school

if they'd eat their lunch
if they'd eat their dinner
if they'd eat!!!

whether they'd get a good report
be able to cope with homework

who they'd be friends with
who they'd be dating
how late they'd be staying out
whose else was at the party they were going to
how they'd get home
WHEN they'd get home

if they'd pass their drivers' licence
their MOTORBIKE licence
would they be able to handle their bigger and more powerful bike

we worry about sleepovers with the neighbours
with their friends who live on the other side of town
when they fly overnight to another city for a concert

and you get texts like this one i got this morning at work:

"sooooo keen to have a shower.  you can't comprehend just how soaked i was in other people's sweat'.


yep - what i know for sure, is that there will ALWAYS be something to worry about.

Wordish Wednesday


mandyb said...

over that time so many changes....and she turned out so so well...well done mum and dad!!!!
love the 2 pics!!! (glad she enjoyed the concert too)

Liz Mays said...

The worry never goes away! My daughter is the same age as yours.

Stacy Uncorked said...

The time sure flies by really fast, doesn't it? And yet, the worry never goes away. ;)

WW: Creative Play

Queenie Jeannie said...

Gosh, isn't that the truth?? LOL!

Is it true they are filming The Hobbit in your town?? How exciting!

Stylist A said...

one of the many reasons I went into photography as my business. I think capturing the times in life are so important! Time goes by too too fast. Thanks for sharing and happy WW.

xo, Supermom Alysha

auntiegwen said...

so true xx

Unknown said...

Oh My Gosh that baby picture!!! What a doll baby!

And thanks for helping me to put things in perspective, especially since we are having some potty issues with my middle one right now. This seriously helped... :)

cat said...

So , so true.