so i was blogging my way around bloggerland last night and i happened upon this very cool initiative. blogger lisa from california last year came up with the idea to bring together bloggers from around the world who might not otherwise 'meet'. basically to participate i offer up a giveaway, link my blog to OHOW, you folks out there leave me a comment and on valentines day i randomly select a winner! (did i say blogger too many times?)

gifts are encouraged to be home-made, but as this initiative has been going 5 weeks and finishes in 4 days and i only found out about it yesterday, i'm gonna cheat a bit.

so, add your comment, go into the draw for the giveaway you see above, check out lisa's blog and the OHOW participants and have a little fun! (oh, and go tell all your friends).
Kia Ora
Hello, Hello, Hello
Another cheater. I too was late and I've put a couple of little NZ tiles on my site. Made in Kerikeri no less. So please come and see
Would also be honoured if you put my name in the draw for your gifts. I'd love to have a go.
Very nice to meet some NZers on this event too.
Hope to spot you again.
that was impressively fast ellie!
i will go check out your site. cheers, sue
I would love to win your drawing. Please stop by my blog as I am also part of this great event! Your items are great and I cuold really use them.
Please enter my name in your drawing. Don't forget to hop on over to my Shabby Chic giveaway at:
Bunny Blessings ~
It's not cheating, you're just saving the fun part for the winner! Please enter my name in your drawing. Be sure and stop by mine.
I received your link and added you to the list. THANK YOU for participating in this event. There seem to be several participants from NZ - how wonderful.
Please add my name to your drawing.
I hope you'll stop by mine as well.
Lisa Oceandreamer
wow - thanks ladies - i feel swamped (in a good way!) you are all in the draw.
Please add me to your draw too! I live in NZ too - love to see you over at my blog and enter my give away!
:) Caren
Please add me in! Very cute, I have just gotten in to blogging and crafting (other than I have been a painter and photographer for years) so I need stuff! lol
Wow, I was enjoying that view from your Blog header. Please enter me in your giveaway, and if you haven't already, please stop by my place and leave a comment. Karen
I don't call it cheating, I think the winner will enjoy making art with these prizes..enter me and I hope you will make it to enter mine..
Wonderful! I'd love to be artsy and crafty with your prizes!
wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
G'day Sue,
What great prizes for us mixed media artists, I would love to be in the draw please, and do drop by and enter into my gift draw too.
Never too late,
Rob in Oz
I'd like to get to "play" with your offering! Please put me in your draw
visit mine at:
Oh, fun offerings! Please enter me. I've joined, as well.
Ooh stamps, cards...sounds like a lot of fun!
It's not cheating if you're giving away items that someone can use to make something! Please add my name to your giveaway and make sure to visit my blog for mine. Thanks!
~*~Nan in NJ~*~
wow! count me in!
The Bella Modiste
What a great group of goodies! Please do enter me and I'd love for you to stop by my giveaway at
what a great prize stop by mine for a chance
I would love a chance to win your prizes (love the stamps and the card kit is great). Please enter my name and while you are out and about in bloglandia please stop by my OWOH giveaway too. Hugs, antonella :-)
Can't ever have enough "goodies" Please, stop by my blog and checkout my giveaway.
Spreadin' the love :0)
Rowan Willow (alter/artist ego)
aka Tiffany
What a cool giveaway! Please count me in!
Oh, what a beautiful gift (mine is also store-bought)! Please do enter my name into your drawing & then stop by and visit my blog! :D
GREAT giveaway! I hope I'm the lucky winner!! :) love your work
Hello from Olmsted Falls, OH, USA. glad you could join in the fun! Please enter my name to win in your drawing and stop by to enter mine if you haven't yet. thanks.
what an awesome give away. please enter my name into the drawing then stop by my blog to enter my drawing.
Holy Crap! Nothing like a juicy carrot to bring the stalkers out!
Hey! Great prize - looks good, love stamps!
Cheryl in snowy Canada
cool giveaways - LOVE those dragonfly stamps especially, waving from Ngatea, in the North Island of NZ
lol at Lynette cause I was thinking the same- what does she do that you don't? Sue is it linked somewhere for them to come visit you???
Very nice prizes; thanks for the opportunity!! :)
hey lynette and melinda
click on the purple globe/red heart. it's a very cool idea and it's been a fun blogging day for sue! i will enter the two of you. now if i could only figure out how to make a clickable picture in my right sidebar!!!
Wonderful giveaway, count me in please.
I would love to win this! :)
Gidday from the other side of the ditch! My DD23 spent two years in NZ, including quite a while in Willington !) Nice to meet you!
Enter me in the drawing please
aloha Lilla
Beautiful prizes! Please count me in.
It's not cheating - crafting supplies are an awesome idea!! I'd love to be entered in your drawing!
I'm a participant too. Please stop by if you get a chance!
great to see another kiwi! :)
please enter me in the draw - I am participating too!
Wonderful! Please enter my name. Would love for you to stop by and enter my OWOH giveaway. :-)
G'day ScrappySue,
I would love to be included in your beautiful giveaway, please ... OOroo ... Bethel
If you haven't already... please pop on over to my place as I'm a player too ...
Wonderful giveaway. Your banner is fabulous and I think your pic is wonderful. Please add my name for your drawing. Stop by and checkout my offering at
Hi! My daughter visited NZ last year. She wanted us to all pack it up and move to Wellington. Sounds like a very cool place.
Please enter my name.
Have you entered my give away? I'm "A Desert Garden" on the OWOH blog. Hope you'll stop by!
What a neat-o prize to award! Thanks for the chance to win!
love your prizes! Please put my name in your drawing and come stop by mine! Thank you!
ooh oooh gimme gimme!! As a hobbyist card maker I can never have too much stuff to make cards with!
Please enter meeee!
A very nice give away package. Please enter me. Thanks.
I love dragonflies so would love to win your draw. Please add my name and come and join mine.
wooow, I'm a rubberstamp fanatic. Please count me in and stop by my blog to enter mine. Thank you.
what a lovely giveaway! please toss my name in the hat and then, when you have a moment, please pop in at my blog and sign up for mine! good luck everyone!
I love all all kind of supplies. Please add me to your drawing and don't forget to participatie in mine, as I have added some vintage supplies too.
What wonderful giveaways. Please count me in. ^_^
I have a giveaway to at if you'd like to enter.
What fun toys. Please count me in.
Nikki in WA
hanks for stopping by my blog ~ enter me in for your sweet prize!
I'd love to be entered! I'm also part of OWOH.
If you have not already visited my blog and entered my One World~One Heart Giveaway, please accept my invitation now for a chance to win "Masquarade".
Thanks for stopping by.
I really love your give away and I can use is very well.
So ofcourse I leave a comment, and in the meantime I keep my fingers crossed ;o)
Welcome to the giveaway! I just started a few days ago myself. Your gifts are fun. Please include me. Also visit my giveaway:
Love crafting goodies like that!! Please enter my name in your draw and make sure you come by my blog and enter my own giveaway if you haven't already done so:-) xo
Would love to be entered into your giveaway.
Better late than never I say! :-)
I'd be happy to win!
Great giveaway. Please count me in.
please add my name and come over to mine, i am giving away an ATC
What a fabulous and fun looking giveaway! I love making cards! Please add me into your drawing! Thank you for doing this, too!
Fun! I'd love to be in on this:)
I have been rubberstamping since 1977 and I'm not going to start resisting beautiful stamps now!!!
Please include me and thanks for your generosity!
What a lovely giveaway! PLease add me to your drawing and stop by and enter mine!
Patti V
Can ALWAYS use stamps & such so please enter me in your drawing.
And THANKS for taking part.
Count me in!
Please include me in your draw, I love paper crafts expecially scrapbooking and card making!!
Wellingtontown looks so pretty! I live in Brooklyn, New York, USA
I love rubber stamps so I could not resist entering your give away! Thanks so much. I'll be back to vsisit again.
Well I just joined today and you were first on mine, don't know how you did it but you did. Cool give away! Hong Kong on your birthday that is cool, can't wait to read your blogging about that!
Please count me in for your fabulous giveaway! If you haven't stopped by mine, please do!
Best Wishes,
I would love to win your gift. please enter my name.
thanks stephanie
Wow, this is a great giveaway, please count me in your drawing!
Please enter me in your draw and let me extend an invitation to join mine if you have not done so.
I am so in LOVE with dragonflies! And I love Wellington too! :)
Please enter my name in your drawing and stop by my post for OWOH if you get the chance!
I'd love to win your giveaway :)Please include me in your drawing!
I am participating as well on my blog at:
Dagmar from Germany
Please add me to your drawing! I'm participating as well, at:
Time is running short! I'd love to enter your draw, and invite you to come by my blog to enter the draw I've got on for a little book of poems. Thank you!
Nah...that's not cheating! It's all good. :D Please count me in!
Please count me in your drawing.
Also, I would like to invite you to stop by mine today if you get a chance.
please enter me in your drawing. thanks.
Wonderful giveaway! Little treasures!! I hope I'm not to late! Please enter me in your giveaway and check out mine too! Thank you!!
Thanks for visiting my blog. And yes please add me to your drawing. I hope you make 100. Good Luck.
hope i am not to late please enter me and come on over to my blog and enter my giveaway if you have not already
gorgeous, please add me
yay dragonflies!
i'm participating, too.
angelaenglund at gmail dot com
Thank you for entering me..Mary
Hello Sue,
I am back to home after a few days at mom without PC. It's to late to win your give away but I am glad you visit my blog. My dear uncle was a diplomat in Wellington 30 years ago and one of me cousin was born in your nice town. Best memories for their family. My brother is living in Noumea not so far from you. He loves NZ very much and practices ski in you nice country. See you soon on my blog. Pat from French Riviera
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