My photo
Wellington, New Zealand
welcome to my corner of the blog world! i love step, boxing, zumba, scrapbooking, photography, watching movies, walking the hills of my suburb, my family, and life in wellington. take some time to have a look around and be sure to say hi!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So we're stuck here in Wellington

Hi all...and mum
This is er Miss 16 here (its weird calling myself that) so you can call me K-Dog.
Reporting back from Wellington while mum is off globe trotting and what not

I don't really see what the big deal is with the whole blogging thing...mum is always whining that she can't get something to work. Its cake really.

With out further ado, here is a day in the life of the our family without mum around - as told by our beloved cat Moe.

"The second they are all gone I like to spend a few minutes going through their stuff"

"Then I put on a load of washing ~ no one else is going to do it ~ "

"I do a bit of a work out on the ol' exer-cycle"

"Then I need some me time"

"Something always needs fixing around here..."

"Time to unload the laundry. Luckily I have a friend to do it with"

"Kids get home so I say hi to them"

"The privelaged ones get to help me cook dinner"

"Then a bit of last minute study finishes my day off"

Phew! What a day for Moe. Life must be tough for him without mum around to help out. Looks like he's coping alright though!

And now, a soothing haiku to send you away with:

Most haikus are weird
Some of them don't make much sense

Hope you enjoyed it. Drop uz a comment

.K-Dog Owt.


scrappysue said...

well, you said u would hijack my blog and you were right! why am i not surpised you could upload photos and post and think it was 'cake'. paula and i were sitting here laughing our heads off - very cute! i only knew about it from m's email. looks like u have everything under control - maybe i should stay away a couple more weeks with my new friends???

i'm hitting the journeys store soon - i have only been able to find the brown ones so far. maybe i'll have more luck today.

love you!!!

Amanda said...

K-dog you should start your own blog. That was fun. I'm so glad y'all are doing okay without your mom. Thanks for sharing her with me. It was such a pleasure to have her over here. Next time, you and your older sister insist that she send y'all to see us.

Try and be good for your dad...

Jen-Jenny-Jennifer said...

K-dog, I second Amanda! That was fab! I've always wondered what my cats do when I'm away. I thought they only left hair about the place! And the haiku? Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

witty post Miss 16. I look forward to meeting your Mum very soon!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a mighty hard working kitteh. Works harder than I do, definitely.

Great post, K-dog! Nice to see Sue left the blog in good hands.

Paula Clare said...

Hi K-Dog,
Looks like you've inherited your mum's twisted sense of humor...WOOT! I LOVE IT!

Your cat is certainly more hard working than most I've seen...of course, the shots were probably taken between naps, true?

You should start your own it K-Dog Town or something maybe not so

Kendra said...

Well, K-Dog, I have to thank you (and Moe, of course) for sharing your mom with her American friends. She's a hoot and I very much enjoyed spending time with her this past weekend.

scrappysue said...

hey kendra - thanks for stopping by! i'm still not home yet lol. have made it as far as sydney. one more 3 hour flight and i'm home. it was great to meet you too! can't wait to see your pics, sue xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Awesome post, K Dog!

Scrappy Sue, I wish we could have gotten together on your journey, but life is crazy right now. Too crazy to keep up with!

Sounds like you had quite a journey around the globe, can't wait to hear more about it.

Keep in touch!