one of the great things about living in a small country is that our 'celebrities' (such as they are) - are incredibly accessible.
for example, the sports co-ordinator at miss 17's sports awards ceremony is the brother of an iconic new zealand cricketer (whose daughter went to school with miss 19).
kate horan, who is an ex-pupil of miss 17's college (high school) - is a one-legged single mother who competes on the athletics world stage almost year round, and won a silver medal at the beijing paralympics.
she also presented the awards at our local college sports awards recently.
here she is showing off 2 of her 6 legs. this one's worth $10,000!

showing off her silver medal. apparently it's very heavy!

who says students don't have a sense of humour?

i was sitting on the
opposite side of the room to the teacher who was taking photos (meaning i would get a crap shot of the back of my daughter's head) - like so...

...but because i'm the world's most embarrassing scrapbooking mother - after posing for the teacher, my child (who had previously teased that she wouldn't!) says "can you turn this way so my mum can take a picture?"

i love how my kids indulge me.
oh yeah - miss 17 won the MVP for girls' hockey for the THIRD year in a row. that girl sure knows how to stop a hockey ball; and her bestie won 'most improved' on their badminton team.

when we got home, all i wanted was a pic of miss 17 relaxing on the sofa with a hot chocolate. this is
one of many faces she pulled once she realised i had a camera in my hand.

you can see kate's dramatic race
here. make sure you watch it! notice how i said
'dramatic', and now you're curiosity is REALLY piqued! it really was dramatic, and you should go watch it. seriously.

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Congrats to your daughter on her MVP award. Love that she was willing to turn towards mum for a good shot and all her goofy faces.
My girls do that all the time. As a matter of fact I got a ton today while snapping family pics!
congrats Miss 17 on getting MVP that's awesome.
I love the last picture of your daughter. She seems like she'd be a riot! *L* Many congrats to her on the award!
best daughter EVER!
That race was awesome! And congratulations to your daughter --MVP three years in a row! That's nothing to sneeze at.
cool pics... i went to school with Kate she is so lovely... as for the Ipood t-shirt- my sister has one of those for my niece..... cute on a baby (doesn't have that picture though!!!!)
Oh, congratulations to her!! That's wonderful!
I think kid indulgence is one of our many paybacks...I love it when my kids learn to play the game! :)
Sue that is pretty funny that she had Kate turn so you could shoot them. Congrats on the award K-Dog!
and nice eyes in that last photo- at least the previous picture and gesture of indulging your scrappy mum has redeemed you.
Yeah, she really loves it, or you if she'd ask them for another pose. What a great race!! I watched it. I hope her insurance helped pay for those legs good. 6 legs? Awesome. I wish I had 6 arms sometimes.
Congrats on the MVP award.
Love the T shirt but uberlove the last photo !!!!
Congrats on the award, Miss 17!
I didn't know they had a paralympics, I watched the race, very dramatic. ;)
3rd year? Wow! Congrats! And those are some expensive legs! :)
How sweet to turn so you could get a picture. Love the silly face!
MPV WOO HOO Way to go girl! Love those pics. I think it's funny you called her out just for a pic. Love the crossed eyes pic. Too funny, she must get her spunk from her Mom! =)
Just catching up on a few of your posts.
Good to see you've got the daughter trained for photo taking!
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