in the end, i went to savemart.
for the uninitiated, savemart is like the unclaimed baggage centre.
for clothes.
on speed.
in disneyland.
at christmas.
on speed.
in disneyland.
at christmas.
sometimes you can go there and find nothing. even though there are THOUSANDS of items of fabulously priced clothing, shoes and bags just waiting to be taken home. that's just the way it is.
other times, like this time - you hit pay dirt. check it out...
brown a-line skirt $6.99

same with the .95 pricing. we haven't had 5 cent pieces since 2006 - SHEESH!!!
but i digress - on with the bargains!
fabby lengthed brown skirt - ALSO $6.99
(ooops - needs an iron. i hate ironing...)

the girls love savemart too, particularly miss 11. i gave them $15 each and let them loose.
beanie, top and [brand new] denim sneakers. all for $15

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
You are my wife's new hero!
Wow! You are definitely the queen of bargain shopping today!
I love to bargain hunt too! What a fabulous store to have near you!
Wow. What amazing bargains!!
Congrats on finding "the skirts"! Great deals as well!
look at all the bargains
I love that place... did you do the one in porirua or upper hutt??? last time I went I didn;t find anything... at either!!! oh well next time maybe...
I particularly like the *fur* trimmed jacket and admit they are all real bargains.
We also have this 99 thing, only it is pence in our case. Just one pence short of a pound. They might just as well round it up. Mentally I always do!
Good post and photos. Thanks for sharing your trip.
cool bargin hunting
Great photo friday
How fun! You hit the jackpot.
It's wild that you phased out all of those coins. We still have our 1 & 5 cent coins, along with the 10 & 25 cent.
That is awesome! And I'm serious. I want one of these around here. We have the Salvation Army, but usually you can't find anything! These are amazing deals!
Fun! I have a hoodie just like that one, except mine is green. But I paid 19.99 for mine. And I thought that was a deal - mine's from Old Navy.
i'm heading for the thrift store...wish me good shopping!
love the pics
and the posts for the others in Photo Story Friday
Great loot! I love a good deal. Keeps me happy for quite a while!
I am not much of a bargain shopper. I wish I was. I do go to the Goodwill store when Roz wants to go. Sometimes I buy stuff but then don't wear it. :(
Good finds!
So wishing we had that store here! Great deals!
What fun! Love the skirts and the corduroy jacket.
Hi there! I just wanted to stop by and say hello, thank you for stopping by my blog :-) I love meeting other bloggers!
Wow, that's impressive. I wish we had one of those.
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