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Wellington, New Zealand
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

wordful wednesday - spanish steps

so this is me getting my portrait sketched at the spanish steps

i didn't think the chin was quite right until i looked at photos of myself and noticed that i actually DO hold my chin like that sometimes!

i think he did a great job with my hair, given that it hadn't seen a blowdryer in over 20 thousand miles and a week!

i don't remember how much it cost, but it did take a while and he didn't like me figetting (i'm a fidget)

i DID get it home in one piece and really should think about getting it mounted and/or framed!

i googled my heart out but couldn't find out why there are so many artists at the top of the steps, but i did discover the following:

the spanish steps are also known as 'the stairs of the trinity of the mountains' and were built in 1723, and rise from the piazza di spagna (spanish square)

in 1985, crowds thronged the piazza to protest the opening of italy's first mcdonalds
(and so they should, i mean - does maccers have to be EVERYWHERE? really?)

oh, and one more thing...

when a bunch of red roses is thrust into your hands and you're told they're free...

don't believe him...


for more wordful wednesday, go see angie over @ seven clown circus


McClure Family said...

you look like a movie star sitting there!! how fun!

my ww:

Jaina said...

That looks amazing! I hope you find a lovely frame for that.

Anonymous said...

that's so cool! Thanks for the little history lesson too - I just love info like that. Your portrait looks great, I definitely think you should frame it!

Susan Holt Simpson said...

Love the umbrella!

sheila said...

ooooo, I think that sketch is pretty good! And omg, lol on the roses! ha ha ha! You're funny!

Annie said...

OMG, is different portrait. You looks fantastic.

Stopping from Seven Clown Circus

Michelle said...

You must show us the finished drawing!

Teri said...

That "free" roses thing drove me nuts. Even when I tried to shove them back, those guys kept up the act. Yuck.

Muthering Heights said...

How amazing! It looks like a lovely portrait!

Kacey said...

Very cool!

tiarastantrums said...

so funny - I was looking for a photo the other day and ran across a photo of me sitting on those very steps - 10 years ago!!

More Than Words said...

THat is really a cool picture of you getting your portrait done!!

mommakin said...

I agree with Alicia! I don't know which I like better - the portrait, or the picture of you having the portrait done...

Sara Elizabeth Bonds @ The OmniCouple said...

How neat! It looks like a beautiful portrait.

Liz Mays said...

I had that done in Paris once. I didn't think it really looked like me but I bought it anyhow.

You're adorable!

Jingle said...

What a neat photo! I would love to have that done! Thanks for sharing the history stuff, too!

Susie said...

What a cool thing to have to remember:-)

cat said...

What a great post and great memory to bring home.

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

How cool! I've always wanted to get my picture drawn, but I'm always to terribly upset with the pictures taken of me that I don't want to end up with a bad drawing!

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