ALTERNATE TITLE: the #14 bus is NOT a lemon!
on saturday mr scrappy and i got invited to a mini wine and food event
18 lovely folks (3 teams of 6)
each 'team' hosted food and wine at their house
it was a lot of fun because we got to meet new people and see parts of wellington that we'd never seen in the entire 27 years we've lived here!
we walked from house 1 to house 2, and ended up taking good ole pubic transport from house 2 to house 3 (bus stops that took us door to door)
our very-merrily-happily crowd MAY or MAY NOT have sung THE WHEELS ON THE BUS at the top of our lungs from the back of the bus
i mean, who could resist?
this is mr scrappy making his way to the back of the bus after paying for pretty much everyone
(i mean, who has cash on them these days?)
apart from mr scrappy!!!
coincidentally, the #14 bus also goes right to the DOOR of my bestie tara (who no longer lives by the bus stop), but i took this photo for her.
when she needed to get the #14 bus last december to meet us at carols by candlelight, the #14 failed to show, and was forever referred to as:
....and the driver is a lemonhead!
happy WW!
loved this post. Happy WW.
Great post! Sounds like fun!
You must have made the driver's day a lot less boring! :)
Yep it was the wrong link. I should have know to hit the home button. That would have cleared it up right away.
What a fun day. I love progressive dinners. They do indeed afford you to meet new folks. Glad you had a great time.
Have a terrific WW. :)
I bet you passengers where a fun group! the bus never comes when the weather is bad or when you need it on time!
glad you had a blast.
That is yellow! Sounds like fun! Happy WW!
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