hot on the heels of yesterday's 'Facebook has ruined blogging' post, i thought that i'd add a few words to go with the 62 photos from last night that are already on Facebook!
the thing that i love most about this event, is that it was put on with a ZERO budget.
CARO, our zumba instructor appointed teams. i was co-head TEAM DECORATING, and the lovely sherin lead TEAM PRIZES.
there were 16 raffle prizes and a multitude of spot prizes
ALL of which were donated
see that giant bottle of perfume in the foreground?
my 15 year old won that!
there's abby the hitchhiker again!
you can't say we aren't giving her the FULL KIWI experience!
miss 17 had had a miserable day, and although she still came to party, she wasn't really in the mood for photos
hey kylie! i know you're not technically related to me, but i love ya like my own!
more gorgeous 'pink creatures'
seriously - WHOSE child is that?!!
here we are!
this is my friend christine
she's trying zumba for the FIRST TIME tonight!
she's been told she only has to join in one dance and then there's wine.
'team decorating' take their job seriously!
DI - you did such a great job with all the tissue flowers!
again: zero budget. time and supplies all donated
your bottle marks your spot!
my friend christine thought we were totally bonkers when i answered her question re the bottles on the floor
she probably should have run then
it's too late now - she's one of us!
let the party begin!
caro loves to share her stage
but even numbers of helpers only!!!
the awesome hiria teaching us to put a little ERK in our TWERK
...and then it was time to rehydrate!
heeeeeey - it's pink, so it's totally OK!
team F&B did so well, esp STEPH who made a large amount of the food herself (whilst working full time) and put together the punch - YUM!
then there's VIC's cupcakes
always a winner!
i am proud to know such a talented, awesome and giving bunch of women
i also know that the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation will be very happy to get our cheque for $2558.10!
very cool event for sure!!!
YAH for all the $$ you all raised!!!
Great work Sue - well done to the Zumba team!
Well done! What a cool event
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