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Wellington, New Zealand
welcome to my corner of the blog world! i love step, boxing, zumba, scrapbooking, photography, watching movies, walking the hills of my suburb, my family, and life in wellington. take some time to have a look around and be sure to say hi!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Day in the Life: November 2nd, 2017: Completed Mini Album

i love these 4x4 albums for my Day in the Life photos and words, although the mixed media approach does make it a little more time-consuming.

either way, it's in the bag.

a fairly ordinary work day that included a relatively unplanned date night/movie fundraiser.

can't wait to watch "THOR" again. it was hilarious!

i believe our next Day in the Life observance is next month (February).

can't wait!


1 comment:

mandyb said...

i love it....very cool!!!!
love the whiskers peeking into the garden photo
so so cute
well done for finishing it