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Wellington, New Zealand
welcome to my corner of the blog world! i love step, boxing, zumba, scrapbooking, photography, watching movies, walking the hills of my suburb, my family, and life in wellington. take some time to have a look around and be sure to say hi!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

December Daily: Completed in the Album

If i'm honest, finishing this album as winter approached was a bit of a drag. i had to remind myself MANY times to not just 'get it done'. that my photos and stories are important.
still, i have Week in the Life approaching, and that was certainly a motivator.

i WILL say, one of the downsides of finishing my DD this late, is that with the passage of a few months, i was VERY tempted to include way too many photos.

even though i had ali's words ringing in my ears "pick one story", i had to resist the temptation to include everything, even when the photos and words were already in my Project Life!

as i got nearer the end and the album got thicker and thicker, i felt a bit like i was in a race i couldn't win.  i'm not sure i can change my approach though, so i'm just going to embrace what it is.



1 comment:

mandyb said...

wahoooooooooooooo looks good
well done on you finishing