My photo
Wellington, New Zealand
welcome to my corner of the blog world! i love step, boxing, zumba, scrapbooking, photography, watching movies, walking the hills of my suburb, my family, and life in wellington. take some time to have a look around and be sure to say hi!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

wordful wednesday - learning to love the wrinkles

on sunday night i went to my scrapmates dessert evening. kris was our host. she's our email [scrapmates] group 'leader'. she poses thoughtful questions each day, sends great links, funny stories and organises lots of fun activities.

she's a giving gal.

she also takes a lot of photos. a LOT. more than me! WAY more than me!

kris has a fixed 50 lens on her SLR - i have decided that this is what i want from santa mr scrappy for christmas this year!

these are two pics kris took of me on sunday night

when i opened up my email and saw them, i had a revelation

i'm learning to love my crows feet
my smile lines
my memories made lines
my wrinkly proof of happiness
the lines on the face of a 46 and 3/4 year old woman

i may not be as fresh faced as these two young gals
(and BOY is there any other word to describe this shot!)
and that's ok

just thought i'd share that with you

for more wordful wednesday, visit angie over @ seven clown circus


Stacey said...

I think you look beautiful!

Anne said...

You're beautiful, as are your girls!

Muthering Heights said...

Crow's feet or not, you're a lovely gal!

Annie said...

You looks great!!!!!

sheila said...

Beautiful pics! Of you and the young chickies. lol. You all look fantastic!

mandyb said...

you look good....for someone a whole teenager older then me!!! *runs away and hides waiting the kick/slap**!!!!! heehee

sorry i missed the other night....dumb time to get sick when all the parties are happening!!!!

More Than Words said...

I think you look beautiful AND happy!

Michelle said...

You are beautiful.....laugh lines and all. :)

KK said...

I'll second that. I've learned that everything I've been through, good or bad, makes me what I am today. We better enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

I think you look gorgeous Sue, and you have absolutely the right attitude towards wrinkles!


Sharlene Meyer said...

Both photos of you are great, but that top one is fantastic! And look at that stunner Katelyn- she looks very different out of her Brumbys uniform!

Liz Mays said...

You are beautiful, inside and out. I love how comfortable you are with yourself. I wish I was the same!

Unknown said...

You're gorgeous! All of you!

P.S. I want a new camera for Cmas too. C'mon Santa!! ;-)

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

You are all beautiful!!

I want a nifty 50 lens, too.

Kat said...

I love the proof of happiness too. And clearly wisdom too. I think you are beautiful!

Jaina said...

I think they make you look beautiful and happy.

auntiegwen said...

You have clearly passed your good genes on xx

Claremont First Ward said...

You have definitely passed some spectacular genes on your your daughters!

Stacy Uncorked said...

You are beautiful! And your daughters look just like you! :)

Unknown said...

popping by from sits...i think the photo is lovely

Susan Holt Simpson said...

I'm learning to embrace my face, too! Yours is lovely by the way!

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said...

All three of you are absolutely beautiful! :0)

Hi, I'm stopping by from SITS! I just wanted to share a bit of comment love.♥ I hope the rest of your week is absolutely amazing!

Teresa <>< said...

Those are awesome photos! I think I like the top one just a little bit more (because of the background). And your girls are gorgeous! I haven't accepted my crow's feet yet, but they sure have accepted me!

Rachel said...

Stopping by from SITS! New Zealand- I hear it is very beautiful!

Kristi Smith said...

You look fab and you definitely need to get a fixed 50mm!!!

Kelly said...

So if I add that lens to my camera, it will make me look gor-jus, no?!

Kris takes lovely photos - your's are great!

Teri said...

I am also at peace with who I am and how I look. Good for you. You look wonderful!

And I want that lens, too.

Anonymous said...

You're beautiful!