i really do love the New Year, and i believe it is true what people say:
it's a time of new beginnings and a time for reflection.
as i look back at 2012, it was in many ways a watershed year for mr scrappy and i
our 2nd eldest daughter left home
(that's 2 gone, 2 left if you're counting)
and we found that having 2 independent teenagers (who love to sleep and spend time in their room) living in the house made for a very QUIET house! many a weekend morning mr scrappy and i found ourselves at 10.30 having a very civilised breakfast - being the only 2 people awake!
after ALL those years of noise and kids CONSTANTLY in my face and at my feet
(wishing for 5 minutes peace - Mrs Large!) and wondering when and if they'd ever grow up
- i actually miss it.
how crazy is that?!
In January the 7 of us (including miss 23's partner) went to Fiji
(instead of our usual glamping) for a week
it was hot and it was fun
On February 6, miss 20 left home
in mid-February miss 23 and i went to visit Tara
i love that great weather is pretty much guaranteed whatever time of year we go!
MARCH 2012
yes, that's me on the F*R*I*E*N*D*S* couch
they got upset when i put my feet up on the coffee table
(we left soon after that...)
guess where i am?
2 tapings: one where i sat next to Robin and she gave me a coffee mug!
wish the episode would play on tv so i can see myself!
St Patricks Day in Times Square
'nuff said
my 49th birthday
now i can REALLY start planning my 50th
APRIL 2012
autumn escape scrapbooking weekend
awesome. awesome. awesome
MAY 2012
miss 23's graduation
apart from the car accident on the way there - it was an awesome day
JUNE 2012
mr scrappy's sister turned 60 and miss 16 had her bestie come stay from australia
JULY 2012
back to australia to celebrate tara's birthday!!!
(deep breath)
august august august - you almost did me in
a full-time 5 week work contract
no kitchen
travelling every weekend to see my dad who had heart surgery
a major sports injury for miss 14
year 11 formal for miss 16
a weekend steam train excursion
a kitchen warming
miss 23's birthday
miss 16's birthday
miss 20 turned 21 and we threw her a big party
(she also got herself a new boyfriend)
mr scrappy and i celebrated 28 years of wedded bliss
i volunteered at the royal walking parade when our future king and his wife visited New Zealand
i volunteered at the RED CARPET WORLD PREMIERE of The Hobbit
(that's me throwing GANDALF hats into the crowd)
what a day - and man it was so hot!
then i flew to Melbourne to celebrate my oldest friend's 50th
then flew to Sydney to catch up with Tara
the weather was AWFUL, but a bunch of zumba gals (and our instructor who was asked to conduct the warmup) attended the KidsCAN Santa Fun Run (a charity run that raised over $30,000)
miss 14 got herself her first ever boyfriend
(everybody: awwwwwwwwww....)
i got a fisheye lens for my iphone - woop woop!
we sweated in the 34.6 CELCIUS degree heat on Christmas Day
and got ONE [great] shot of the girls for the [tradtional] Santa Hat Album
REMEMBER: the days are long, but the years are short

Hosted by Lolli @ http://betterinbulk.net
Awesome review!!! You're one blessed woman! Hugs!
very cool review!!!
what a busy year!!!
YAH that i am featured too!!
wonder what 2013 will bring!!!????
What a great post, Sue - and what a year 2012 was for you and the family!
Absolutely wonderful year. I'm so glad last year included meeting you!
You've had one whirlwind of a year! How cool that you got to visit the set of FRIENDS and Dr. Phil.
Lovwe your review. DO you really think Charles will ever be king? I put my bet on WIlls!
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