the only trouble with choosing your day in the life 'day' 2 days before you head off overseas for 2 weeks, is that you won't get caught up until NEXT month's day in the life is almost upon you!
so this was july:
a work day
a sunny day
an ordinary day
a good day
as much as i love the instant sharing of facebook, i DO miss my blog and feel bad that i've neglected it, so here's a little recap from the past couple of months (the exciting bits anyway)
at the beginning of july i flew to australia to spend tara's birthday with her
that's THREE out of the FOUR birthdays she had since she moved back to oz that i've had with her.
it was nice to see the sun
we shopped
we played old school games
there was cake
and coffee. always with the coffee...
we ate. of COURSE we ate
and then there's this view
i never tire of it
then at the end of the month we said goodbye to daughter #2
she goes here now
me? i get to wear this t-shirt. with pride
of course i went along for the ride
afterall, there's family near berkeley that we hadn't seen in a while
plus we got to do some really cool stuff before school started over there
like THIS
and THIS
oh yeah. THIS place...
one of these things is not like the other one...
what's a coast to coast trip without a beach day
FYI: amelia island? awesome
20 years ago (TWENTY!) we lived in atlanta and this couple below lived here
the hubbies swapped jobs for a bit
20 years later - we're still in touch
conveniently, they live near this awesome chicka
remember amanda? she left 5 babies, got herself a passport and flew all the way down to ENZED for my 50th (back in march)
and then, all too soon, it was time to say farewell for now
my child went back/onto to san fran...
and i flew all the way back home
but life goes on
there are chocolate-themed high teas to attend
and then zumba classes to work it all off!
in case you're wondering, i DO still have a job
it's the best part-time job EVER!!!
i did a whole 38 hours last month. month lol.
i think i have this whole work/life balance thing down.
hee hee love that you have the work/fun balance sorted!!! lol
great write up too!!!
busy month for sure
Wow that is busy! Must be tough having your daughter so very far away
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