anyone that's been following my blog for the past 5 years (wow, has it been that long?) will have noticed a 'decline' in the frequency of posts
i blame Facebook
i'm sure Facebook doesn't mind. it gets a bad rap now and then
Facebook made it easy to post pics and share, but it has never quite replaced the journal-like qualities of a blog. it's that journal-like quality that i love about blogging. about MY blog.
i figured that most of my blog followers (all 13 of them) were on Facebook anyway and all my blog posts are linked to Facebook via networked blogs
...but still something was missing
i've discovered that whilst the sharing is easy and immediate on Facebook, somehow i find myself wanting to share LESS.
so then how do you pick up with the 'journal' when you've neglected it for so long?
then there's instagram. aaaaaahhh instagram, oh how i love thee, and the 1746 photos i have posted (mostly food!)
i also found most of my 'old' blogging buddies on instagram and i'm so happy about that.
if you're still with me after this disjointed jumble of thoughts, i'd like to thank fat mum slim for providing the impetus and inspiration for today's post. i'm participating in her gift exchange and you need to be active on INSTA and/or BLOGGING (preferably both)
so there you go.
i'm going to end with a few random photos.
happy 22nd birthday to my 2nd born child
this is the first time in 22 years we won't be together on your birthday, however i know you'll have a blast with all your new friends
please don't fall on your head. again.
turtle beach on the rugged west coast of the south island where mr scrappy and i spent the weekend recently celebrating our 29th wedding anniversary
on the way back to the airport we detoured to the edge of the earth
coz it was right there
this is abby the hitchhiker from ithaca
we picked her up on the way to our anniversary weekend (and dropped her off again)
she made it to welly and is now living with us
(that's how we roll)
this is one of the MANY raffle prizes available at the PINK PARTY we're attending tonight
run by our awesome zumba instructor CARO.
we've already raised $2000 and it's going straight to the breast cancer foundation of new zealand
...and this is my beautiful friend katrina
she lost her husband last tuesday and i (along with all her friends) just want to take her pain away and see the return of this smile.

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
I don't blog as often as I did when I first started either --in part because of FB and Instagram, too!
great post sure
i am the same...haven't blogged since April when i got back from raro
all those friends are on FB so i see them there,,,,why blog as well!!
your trip sounded does the pink zumba night tonight!!!
and once again thinking of your friend and her family at this horrid time...xxxarohanui
Same for me: less blogging and I blame FB! And my job now, too. :)
Good to hear from you again, old friend!
beautiful post... and I LOVE Zumba too
Hi Sue! Congratulations on your anniversary. New Zealand always looks so beautiful in your pictures. I plan to visit it someday and take a look around. I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend's husband. I'm glad she has such great friends around her.
I don't blog as much either, but mostly for me because all the of the fun stuff on the computer became an obsession and I had to cut out the unimportant (all the "fun stuff on the internet") to spend time with the important, my family. Still I like to post on my blog about the thing we've done to look back on one day.
Don't give up the blog, I'm not on Facebook, Twitter or any of that stuff, so I wouldn't be able to pop in and keep up with your adventures! I find I'm not posting as often, but that's because life seems to be getting in the way and I don't want to blog the bad stuff.
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