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Wellington, New Zealand
welcome to my corner of the blog world! i love step, boxing, zumba, scrapbooking, photography, watching movies, walking the hills of my suburb, my family, and life in wellington. take some time to have a look around and be sure to say hi!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

week in the life: monday

for most of 2013 i did 'a day in the life', but i've never done a week in the life before.

i decided to give myself the best chance of competing the album by buying ali's kit.
i'm also really happy to support her website redesign, which has incorporated a shop.

to this end, i purchased some of the templates that can be used for the project, and some digital word files.

ali encouraged us to 'tell me more' and to take one photo from each day and 'story' that.
even before my week started i knew which story i wanted to tell.

i wrote 500 words about ONE PIECE OF PAPER

this one 

i wrote about how that piece of paper used to be filled with the comings and goings of 6 people every week

i wrote that that piece of paper has been on the wall for ONE YEAR
because 2 of my 4 girls have left home and now life isn't so busy and DEFINITELY not so routine, and that we don't need that piece of paper updated every week to keep up with what's going on

i wrote about how i FEEL that that piece of paper is no longer necessary

bookending my story yesterday was the 'stuff' of our day

a day late birthday dinner for my 2nd eldest
 at a restaurant we hadn't been to in a while
(but still a favourite)

 my $30 briscoes glasses that go with me EVERYWHERE these days 
the morning paper

last week's and our weekend away laundry

 retrieving the morning paper and being VERY surprised that it wasn't soaked through, given the fact that it had rained all night

i have 51 photos in aperture from yesterday
less than i took and more than i'll print


Margot said...

Great start, Sue. Good luck with keeping up the momentum for all 7 days!

mandyb said...

great post.....good on ya for doing it!!! ive always failed part week!!! so im cheering for you..and cant wait to see ya on sunday xxxx

Melissa Marie said...

I admire that you wrote 500 words (I wish I can do that more often!) This is a great start to the week. :)