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Wellington, New Zealand
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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Week in the Life: Wednesday's Words and Photos

7:02 | we both actually woke some time ago, but i live in hope that i'll go back to sleep!
i did not.
clive keeps his phone and iPad beside the bed, so he reads his blogs on feedly before getting up

am i the only person on the planet who doesn't keep her phone in the bedroom?

because i'm not working today, there's no competition for the bathroom

7:23 | paper on the drive *tick*
rain as predicted...

7:26 | human, we have a problem
moe does NOT like to see the bottom of the bowl, so he is none too pleased this morning

7:28 | i am LOVING the coffee mug the girls gave me for mothers' day
a re-creation by a 24 year old katelin of a drawing by a 3 year old mikaela
such a thoughtful gift

8:11| tash says: "all your photos are just going to be me looking in the fridge!"

sue says: "it's more about the story of how you're looking for inspiration for your breakfast"

can you see the beginnings of a slow eye-rolling head turn?
(i can...)

8:14 | a smoothie it is

8:45 | these 2. besties since day 1.

meredith says: "shall we do a 'ladies who lunch' pic? quick - where's that property press?!"

i'm so glad i get to see meredith this week.
i love being able to include the girls' friends in my projects.

9:42 | bananas. always bananas.
katelin estimates the 4 of us eat [roughly] around 30 a week

katelin does most of the grocery shopping these days
she's usually just finishing work and keen to get out of the house when i'm getting HOME [from work], and anytime i DON'T have to get groceries is a good time

this morning though, i needed granola fixins' and had time before class

i can't actually believe i got the entire display in this shot (wasn't trying to)
if only i'd given myself more white space. ha!

9:54 | fun fact: it was raining on the wednesday during week in the life 2015
(ok maybe not FUN...) 

well THAT'S embarrassing...

this is pretty much how i look in 90% of the 35 photos i took of myself during toning
(what little you can see of me lol)

i thought i'd done such a good job of setting up my phone too!
i use photo timer+ 321. you choose the number of photos and interval at which they're taken

10:55 | THIS photo is MUCH better. thanks tas!

11:25 | my wednesday tribe

topics covered today:

the high tea i organised that i now can't go to
the fact that tas grew up practically in the next street to where mikaela is living this week
tas's deck rebuild
...and of course week in the life!

them: audible groans when i asked the barista to take our pic
me: you HAD to know this was coming!!!

11:28 | i was so looking forward to my 'eggs' after class today! the chorizo, spinach and cheese omelette with salad was my "go to" meal at dunshea's on a wednesday, but it's been 2 months since i've been and it's not on the menu anymore. waaaaaaaah!

you know what tho? owner craig dunshea made it for me anyway.
thanks craig!!!

1:47 | my london-based girl at her desk; taken on her tuesday c/- of work colleague sonia
i'm so grateful for the willingness of total strangers to make this happen, and i want to remember how mikaela sent me photos and a story every day

2:42 | no hope for any decent light [in my photos] today

3:21 | homemade grain free granola ftw

as i'm finding the recipe to link for you, i realise that i've forgotten to add coconut flakes in this batch.

i THOUGHT it looked different! ah well.

4:59 | dinner prep

lamb with sumac orange-scented farik and courgette-olive caponata

NB: when i'm inspecting the ceiling tomorrow after the plasterer has been, i'll find a grain of that FARIK.  i don't know why.....

7:34 | boxing
it was 'all arms' tonight, because our instructor michelle had already been on a run that morning

it's ok, i didn't need to use them tomorrow...

normally i'd take a selfie, but my [mostly] regular boxing buddy megan and i are big fans of lorna jane activewear. megan's just got back from a trip to melbourne and hers are brand new

megan says: "i saw 'your pants' in the store and my friend said 'you should buy them'.  i said - i can't. sue has those!!!!"

do you like my singlet? the girls gave it to me for christmas
we loves us some reese:

"exercise gives you endorphins
endorphins make you happy
happy people just don't shoot their husbands
they just don't."

8:45 | "the one with rachel's going away party"

8:50 | hubby and friends are at a "beer cheese and history" night
let's hope the carb hangover isn't too bad...

i REALLY dislike the way you get a red sad face for your least active day
surely there's a nicer way to say that!

twice as many photos today as yesterday
maybe it's a work day v non-work day thing...


1 comment:

mandyb said...

oh i so need a fit keen to see my sleep patterns mostly!!!

and ohhhh i forgot to say on the last funny with CLive's faces!!!
and love that the girls joined in....and ones overseas too

great post...and OHHH i see some mums i know!!!!

great present too...such a cute cup!!!!