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Wellington, New Zealand
welcome to my corner of the blog world! i love step, boxing, zumba, scrapbooking, photography, watching movies, walking the hills of my suburb, my family, and life in wellington. take some time to have a look around and be sure to say hi!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Week in the Life: Friday's Photos and Words

there's just something about a cloudless blue sky that makes everything seem right with the world

6:52 | i wear a fitbit which tracks my sleep
most nights there's 'daylight' on the graph between when i go to bed and when i wake up
my friend tas jokes: "she unplugs!"
i barely even turn over

this week is a different story, and after a week plus of broken sleep and a niggling cough, i'm pretty much done in

9:19 | still - i refuse to lay down and head to the gym
i struggled to say the least

11:33 | i committed in the new year to work yoga into my workout schedule and on a friday i do blast (step) and centergy (yoga-lates) back to back

1:32 | my beautiful lunch date megan
i joked "we shared my chips and she didn't lose an arm"
Megan replied: "it was a close call. note i was hiding my hands away!" 

2:25 | this tickled my funny bone
when i posted it online i wrote "how did they know?!"

2:28 | it was such a beautiful day i didn't feel like driving straight home, so i took a walk along the waterfront

you really can't beat wellington a good day

 3:41 | on the to do list is "weed garden and add bark"

3:42 | usually this bougainvillea flowers in the summer, so it's a surprise to still see flowers on it
maybe i'll take a cutting with me to the new place...

4:06 | a snap from Zoe with colleague Kate

4:26 | most friday nights [when the sun's out], i'll head to Tas's for an end of week wine

amazing how friends can lift your spirits

7:42 | i'm feeling every bit as miserable as i look...

7:43 | but yay - Hurricanes beat The Brumbies 56-21

what a week!


1 comment:

mandyb said...

end of the week and still sick oh no!!!
and love the friends connection!!!
still love the one when Joey hates sharing food
then eats her brownie and cake!!!!

as for Tas....wahooooooooooooo