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Wellington, New Zealand
welcome to my corner of the blog world! i love step, boxing, zumba, scrapbooking, photography, watching movies, walking the hills of my suburb, my family, and life in wellington. take some time to have a look around and be sure to say hi!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Week in the Life: Tuesday's Words and Photos

here's what i'm finding already: 

excited as i am to include the new house purchase and the process of getting our current house ready for sale, i'm SO busy doing all that, that i barely have time for photos!!!

it's ok though.

i've been doing this project long enough to know that it is what it is, and i'm going to love looking back at 2017's Week in the Life JUST as much as any of the other years i have participated.

TUESDAY was much like monday:


..lather, rinse and repeat

OH - and we went to the Bank.

so many scary numbers lol

8:28 | but first - laundry!!!

9:33 | does this outfit say "lend us lots of money pretty please?"

10:21 | gosh banks are so different these days
who remembers when there was a giant counter and mile high glass between the teller and the customer?

we also discussed income protection - such fun

do we want to be insured against death? terminal illness? or just being critically injured...

i mean, how are you meant to choose!?!

12:32 | tash has made it to singapore and is looking slightly worse for wear lol
only 1 x 13 hour flight left to go hunny!!!

 12:40 | today's lunch (reheated vegetable curry and roti) is accompanied by:

"the one with barry and mindy's wedding"

1:15 | 2 down, 5 to go

3:45 | i head out to visit a friend who's recuperating at home and grab some coffees on the way
i knew i was light on photos for the day and wanted a splash of colour...

4:58 | yet another load to drop off at the sallies
this bin was full to overflowing by the time i was done
i was just glad to get there before they shut at 5 o'clock

7:15 | let me tell you a little story about this light fitting

when we re-did our kitchen in august 2012 we needed a new light fitting
i wanted a cute blingy shiny round one
i did NOT get my own way

instead we ended up with this thing that has NEVER hung straight, and for as long as i can remember only ONE bulb works

fast forward to this week and of course we need a light fitting

ANY light fitting!

he's so handy...

7:18 | this vietnamese beef dish was WAAAAAY more yummy that this photo gives it credit for

9:30 | i'm sitting at the computer blogging


9:52 | he'd accidentally blown a fuse

i like this light fitting because of the cool shadow it casts on the ceiling
HE likes this light fitting because it holds an 8 watt LED bulb that puts out the equivalent of 100 watts of incandescent light - all for $15

10:12 | with the room reshuffle (scrap room back into dining room) and movement of excess 'stuff' into storage, i've been granted access to the MAN CAVE lol

i'm now a long way from my temporary scrap room, but hey - sacrifices are being made for the sake of the move!

meanwhile in london, a sister patiently waits...


it's so weird and yet so natural seeing them together after so much time apart

and that was Tuesday...


1 comment:

mandyb said...

yah the sisters are back together
love the new light too

ps im wishing i had visited during witl too
not before hahaha