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Wellington, New Zealand
welcome to my corner of the blog world! i love step, boxing, zumba, scrapbooking, photography, watching movies, walking the hills of my suburb, my family, and life in wellington. take some time to have a look around and be sure to say hi!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

December Daily: Days 5-6

changed my mind about my cover page and 'note to myself'

added the year to make the inside cover page my title page

and typed my intentions on a separate page.

the 'celebrate' was a die cut from last year's main kit, which i cut it in half.
i know i'll find a use for the 'this' somewhere in the album!

i'm always happily surprised at how an idea for a story on any given day can evolve into something bigger or completely different.

i wanted to incorporate two stories today, so i cut down one of the 2x2 sleeves and cropped my photos.  now that we actually LIVE in the village, (as opposed to only being there to run errands), i wanted to include a photo of the town hall all decked out. the fact that it was a STUNNING day, made the decision to include the photo easy.

this time last year the building on the right wasn't even built. it used to house several businesses, and now it houses apartments AND businesses.  i think it's an eyesore.

i'd forgotten what an absolute treasure our many bush walks are.
an oasis merely minutes from home.

on Day 6 i got my 'church on'  and went to a Christmas Concert
because NZ is such a small country, i knew two people performing: one studying music and the other a former co-worker - but of COURSE they knew each other!!!

you can't beat a choir
you can't beat an orchestra
and you can't beat a church for the acoustics

also - it was still 21 deg (70 f) when i drove home at 9 o'clock

long may this early summer continue!

scrappy notes: i used one of ali's layered templates, made the photo layer invisible to print the words, then printed the photo separately.  too easy.


Margot/NZ said...

Lovely start to your album, Sue. I'm enjoying seeing how you've put the pages together - very inspiring!

mandyb said...

great pages you are on fire....
and i agree about the new building in the village
doesnt fit in with any of the other buildings!!!!