my youngest daughter has been on her college (high school) rowing team for 3 years now, so we definitely no longer consider ourselves 'parental rowing virgins'
now we get to say things [to the novice parents] like 'aren't you glad your child got into rowing'?
(can you hear the sarcasm?!)
yes it is THE most time-consuming, labour-intensive, EXPENSIVE sport your child will probably ever participate in, but then there's the plus side; the things we now know...
you get to admire views like this
(admittedly, first thing on a saturday morning, but still...)
as a spectator sport, it CAN be tricky...
there's a lot of standing around
not always in the most pleasant of weather conditions
(but then again grandparents are like parents and will do anything for their kids - including courting hypothermia) - KIDDING!!
there's also a lot of SITTING around
or leaning
at 'away' regattas, no-one's allowed to leave until the LAST boat is on the trailer
this involves a lot of the standing previously mentioned
there's a lot of schlepping and heavy lifting
getting boats in and out of the water can be a hot mess
check out the optical illusion in the photo below
(there are actually 3 boats in this shot [excluding the yellow one])
you also need to know how to cook in BULK
you'll learn the value of friendship
you'll learn the thrill of victory
and win some awesome trophies
you'll occasionally get to hang out with some gold-medal-winning olympians too
some of those early morning starts will be on your birthday, but it's ok because you're with friends
most of all though, you need to know that rowing is OARSOME
(see what i did there?)

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
Amen to all that rowing mother sister! Beautifully accompanied by some LOL photos!
wahoooooooo great post
and love the fellow rowing mum aboves comment!!!
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